Codenica Customer Helpdesk & Asset Management Software

Communication with Clients or Employees in the Company

Offer your clients or employees a modern Client Portal with chat and internal messaging system

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Exclusive Portal for Client Interaction

Our Client Portal: A Centralized Communication Hub for All Client Needs


Client Portal Features

Our client portal offers an exclusive online environment where clients can effortlessly access their assets, consult the knowledge base, manage tickets, and utilize live chat and messaging for direct support interactions.

Screenshot from the Codenica Help Desk Program Showcasing the Client Portal

Communication Channels with Customers via Client Portal

Offering Multiple Ways for Customers to Engage with Support Through the Client Portal

Live Chat on the Client Portal

Seamless Real-Time Conversations with Support


Live Chat

Live chat displays online support staff and sends email alerts for messages exchanged during offline periods, maintaining uninterrupted communication.

Screenshot Showing Live Chat View in the Codenica Client Portal

Messaging System on the Client Portal

Flexible Communication for Efficient Resolution


Messaging System

Similar to live chat, the messaging system alerts both offline clients and agents via email, guaranteeing that no message is overlooked and enhancing support responsiveness.

The screenshot presents a preview of the message sent in the Codenica Client Portal.

Conversations Inside Tickets

Streamlining Ticket Communication for Clarity and Action


Messages Inside Tickets

Messages within a ticket appear both in the ticket's view and are emailed, providing a full conversation overview to all involved, irrespective of their portal access.

Screenshot Showing the Conversations Group Inside a Ticket in the Codenica Client Portal

Client Portal Branding

Customize Your Client Portal to Reflect Your Brand


Client Portal Branding

Customize your client portal with a unique company banner showcasing your logo, and personalize the interface with your default theme and color scheme, making the portal distinctly yours.

Screenshot showing Client Portal branding settings in the Codenica Help Desk application

Tailoring Client Portal Access

Advanced Permission Customization for Client Satisfaction


Client Portal User Access

Our system's customization extends to defining what specific elements customers can see and what actions they are allowed to perform, enhancing user experience by aligning portal access with individual customer needs.

Screenshot showing Client Portal access settings in the Codenica Help Desk application

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